Arrive Build Create Schools and Colleges
We deliver weekly drama sessions for newly arrived EAL (English as an Additional Language) students aged 14-16 in local partner schools, Claremont High School, Queen’s Park Community School and Ark Elvin Academy. We deliver weekly sessions across the Northwest London College campus for three groups of ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) students aged 16-18. Sessions take place both in and after school and college time. The groups work towards performance outputs; short films and live theatre performances working with creative professionals to realise their ideas.
“Arrive Build Create at Ark Elvin is so beneficial to our students as it helps with oracy, literacy and confidence. Our students can’t wait for the next time they are back in a room with one of Kiln’s masterful and great practitioners to create theatre in new and different ways. One of our Year 9 students who joined Arrive Build Create in Year 8 knowing little English is now currently in top set for Drama and Music and has received a music scholarship where she will receive free music lessons for the duration of her school career.” Teacher feedback
29th May 1961 Charitable Trust, Jules and Cheryl Burns, Christina Smith Foundation, City Bridge Trust, The John S Cohen Foundation, Garfield Weston Foundation, Marie-Louise von Motesiczky Charitable Trust, Pears Foundation, Richard Radcliffe Trust, The Vanderbilt Family Foundation.