Kiln Card

Save money with a Kiln Card

For only £40 per year you’ll receive:

  • 6 free tickets to any regular cinema screenings, limited to 2 per screening
  • £2 off up to a pair of full price tickets for each regular cinema screening
  • 10% discount on full price items at the bar and café- cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers
  • Priority Booking for Kiln Theatre productions, special events and Q&As

How long will my Kiln Card be valid for?

Kiln Card is valid for 12 months. You can view the expiration day by logging into your account. If you opted in for auto-renewal, you will be sent a reminder email closer to the date. If you opted out of auto-renewal, you will be asked whether you’d like to manually renew before your Kiln Card expires.

What's next?

You can start using your benefits from today, online, over the phone or in person. To make a booking online, add tickets to your basket, and when prompted log into your account using the email address that is linked with your Kiln Card. Access to priority booking and cinema discounts will be applied automatically. You may pick up your card during your next visit at Kiln Theatre, which you can use when you make bookings in person or at the bar.

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