Remember us in Your Will
Invest in the future and long-term vision of Kiln Theatre (registered charity number 276892) by leaving a gift to us in your will (a legacy gift). In this way, you will be supporting us to continue making theatre that champions unheard and ignored voices and that is open to all, for many years to come.
Gifts in wills allow us to plan for the future. A gift in your will ensures you will have a lasting impact on our work, both on stage and in our many communities.
If you decide to leave a gift in your will, you can choose to support Kiln with a share or a percentage of your estate, a fixed amount, or a specific item such as property or stocks or shares. Whatever the size, your contribution will make a difference. Please contact your solicitor for comprehensive advice when writing or altering your will.
If you have included Kiln Theatre in your Will, we would love to know so that we can thank you for your generosity and keep you up to date on our work.
To discuss leaving a gift in your will, please contact Catherine Walker, Fundraising Director, on 020 7625 0135 or at
All conversations will be treated discreetly and in confidence.
Thank you
In Memory of
Harry Frank Rose
Linda McKeen
‘Leaving a legacy to Kiln Theatre is a wonderful way to show your commitment to civic values of community, creativity and empowerment. If you believe – as we do – that stories can change the world, please consider making a gift in your will.’
Amit Sharma, Artistic Director, Kiln Theatre