Thu 19 Feb 2015 – Sat 21 Mar 2015
By John Hollingworth
Directed by Indhu Rubasingham
★★★★‘Boldly airs points of view we rarely hear on the British stage’
‘Beautifully acted’
★★★★‘This ambitious and well-written play is exactly what we need in our theatres right now’
★★★★ ‘A necessary play guaranteed to stoke argument and debate’
‘This really is a play for today’
‘While we’re watching Saturday Kitchen Live and getting our bits from M&S and indulging down the gastropub, there’s an army of people – a growing army of people – shunning our lifestyle.’
Bradford. On the eve of a Conservative Party Conference the country is in turmoil and one of its most multicultural cities awaits a visit from the Prime Minister.
Kash, a liberal British Muslim, prepares his address to politicians about the state of the nation. His girlfriend Natalie, a recent convert to Islam, cooks for anti-war protesters gathered at the Town Hall. Lyn, her mother, moans to anyone who’ll listen about the decline of her cherished England. It’s all too much for Kash’s daughter Qadira, who begins to plan a radical intervention. As the nation questions immigration policies and military support in the Middle East, one family face their own internal conflict of faith, belonging, and who gets to call themselves British.
Cast includes Claire Calbraith, Navin Chowdhry, Salma Hoque, Asif Khan, Jacqueline King and Maya Sondhi.
Creatives include Richard Kent (Designer), Oliver Fenwick (Lighting Designer) and Ben and Max Ringham (Sound Designers).
‘This whole multicultural happy-clappy hippie-dippie love-in is a fantasy.’
Please note that Strobe Lighting is used in this production.
See what audiences are saying: Click here to watch the audience reactions trailer.