Sean Hughes: Penguins
Wed 26 Mar 2014 – Sat 29 Mar 2014
★★★★★ ‘At his funniest and most profound’
This is a show so full of surprises, hidden twists and recurring themes that you find yourself mapping it out hours later.
Sean takes us back to his Dublin upbringing and the, at times, utter awkwardness of teenage life, weaving in his family, his school days and the business of friendship and tying it all in to the present.
It’s brilliant and multi-layered. Why does society tell us how to behave and react? What does it have to do with Penguins? Buy a ticket and all will be revealed.
Join in the conversation on social media with @mr_seanhughes and @tricycletheatre
Winner of the Herald Angel award at the Edinburgh Fringe 2013
★★★★ ‘For quick laughs look elsewhere, but for something that leaves more of an impression, Hughes is your man’