Solidarity & Support
“No one can possibly know what is about to happen: it is happening, each time, for the first time, for the only time.” James Baldwin
In its 40 years of existence, our theatre has survived many difficult times – including recessions, riots, funding cuts, and fire. We are still standing today because of the tenacity, determination and generosity of our audiences, local community and supporters. Today, we – along with all other arts venues – have another challenge on our hands, one which not only jeopardises the future of our building, but one that could affect our beloved industry for some time to come. This affects so many many people who come together to create work, from actors, to the backstage crew to the set builders and the many supply companies that make our ecology complex, interdependent and passionate.
Closing our theatre temporarily has been an incredibly sad decision and we can’t wait until the day we can open our doors again.
We are deeply proud of Pass Over, A Museum in Baghdad and The Glee Club and all the wonderful people who contributed to their excellence. We are gutted that our audiences are not going to have the chance to see these plays which speak to a need to recognise our shared humanity, something that sits right at the heart of Kiln Theatre’s mission.
We have also taken the decision to postpone our next three productions: Heart, The Wife of Willesden and NW Trilogy. We will let you know when these projects are rescheduled.
We are proud to be continuing our Creative Engagement work with young people and we are thinking as creatively as possible about what we can do to support our local communities as well as the wider theatre industry. We will update you on these plans as soon as we are able.
We know that COVID-19 (coronavirus) is having an unfolding impact on many people’s health, wellbeing and livelihoods, and that we are all facing different circumstances. We want everyone to stay safe and well until the day we can welcome you all back through our doors.
In the meantime: if you are able to support us in this unprecedented situation, please consider making a donation to Kiln Theatre. Any gift, of any size, will be a huge help in ensuring that we can be here to welcome you on the other side of this pandemic.
You could also consider setting up a monthly donation to us. This form of regular support enables us to plan ahead – which, in these uncertain times, is a rare and precious thing. If you are able to help us financially, please scroll to the bottom of this page. Thank you to everyone who has made a donation to Kiln so far – this means so much.
We would also like to thank you for your emails and messages, which are deeply appreciated by all of us here.
We are looking forward to welcoming you back to our theatre as soon as possible.
Thank you so much – from the bottom of our hearts – for your solidarity and support.
Indhu Rubasingham Artistic Director, Daisy Heath Executive Director and the entire Kiln Theatre Team
March 2020
Messages from Indhu, Daisy and the Kiln Theatre team

26 September 2020
We wanted to wrap up September by sharing some good news. From launching a series of short films with new production company Bennu Creative House, to seeing our first Production Arts student start her fully-funded scholarship, we’re thrilled to continue our work with young, exciting artists and keep the spirit of Kiln Theatre alive whilst we plan our reopening.
Movement director of HEART Shelley Maxwell has joined forces with Celise Hicks, Michelle McGivern and Clement Ishmael to create Bennu Creative House, a new multimedia production company dedicated to nurturing artists and projects with a core vision of diversity, inclusivity and freedom.
Their debut project PIVOT has been produced to help support our reopening.
PIVOT plunges us into a simple tale of four actors, a director and the disruptive consequences that occur within their world of online rehearsals. Culminating in a series of hilarious events that can only lead to a flawed presentation for the producers of their production.
The first episode is now available to view here. New episodes will be released every couple of days.
We are thrilled that Mikayla Moxam, a participant of our Production Arts course ‘Act One Beginners’, has been awarded a full, 2-year scholarship at Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts. She began studying Scenic Art and Prop Making this week.
Best of luck Mikayla, we are very proud!
Kiln Theatre’s 2019 Production Arts course covered basics in Lighting, Sound and Stage Management and provided opportunities to young people aged 16-25, from less represented backgrounds, to start a backstage career. Participants took part in a range of workshops alongside attending London-based theatre performances. Other participants received summer placements in last year’s Edinburgh Fringe Festival and White Light Ltd.
Congratulations to all the Black British Theatre Awards nominees, including Lanre Malaolu (Best Choreographer) and Paapa Essiedu (Best Male Actor in a Play) for their work on PASS OVER.
The awards ceremony will be available on the free-to-view Sky Arts channel in late October.
Thank you – from the bottom of our hearts – to all our generous donors for their support.
We would love to be able to tell you about opportunities to support us in future, but your current contact preferences mean we’re unable to do so.
You can update your contact preferences in your online account here or by emailing our Fundraising Team at
We’ll be in touch again soon.
We hope you are well and staying safe,
Kiln Theatre

4 September 2020
We cannot believe it has been two years since we opened our brand new auditorium to the world; we also never expected that we would need to plan another re-opening of the building so soon! We’re finalising plans for the autumn which we will tell you about soon, but in the meantime, we wanted to share with you some of the brilliant, powerful work our young theatremakers have created over the summer.
This is our platform
Our soapbox
All we ask is that you listen
A poem, a manifesto, a dream of the future, Dear Future Generations is all about the mad world we’re in and how to reset the rules.
From the Martin Luther Kings to the fiercest drag queens, the company take this chance to investigate what came before, and what change they want to see in the future.
We’re excited to bring you joyful, electric performances from the next generation of game-changers.
Watch Now
As part of Brent 2020, London Borough of Culture, a Mayor of London initiative, Kiln Theatre’s The Agency programme supports young entrepreneurs between 15-25 years old to develop ideas for social change in their area.
Four successful ideas have been chosen by an expert panel and will continue to be developed over the next few weeks. The ideas we’re supporting include a podcast telling the story of young care leavers, an archiving project documenting the regeneration of Harlesden, an opportunity for young people to learn how to create a film and a project for young girls to provide education around consent and sexual assault.
More information about each individual project will be announced in the coming weeks. In the meantime, click here for more information and to read The Agency blog.
In July our 19-25 Young Company staged Kiln’s first ever live digital performance to great acclaim.
Honeymoon explored the absurdity, difficulty and beauty of our current existence and was the result of these young people’s extraordinary innovation and hard work.
Click here to read more
This work could not have happened without the help of all our generous donors. Thank you to all those who have supported us with a donation in recent months.
Will you consider making a donation today to help us as we look forward to reopening our building and continuing this work with our community?
Every donation helps and we look forward to sharing more reopening news soon
A huge thank you and massive congratulations to our wonderful supporter Nicola Horton. Nicola has recently undertaken the massive feat of virtually rowing the tidal Thames. Not only did she conquer the distance of three half marathons and one full marathon on her rowing machine, she raised £645 in the process and will also receive match funding from her employer!
‘I am a proud supporter of Kiln Theatre and the work it does in my local community, and I want to see exciting productions there again as soon as possible.’
Well done Nicola! There is still time to sponsor her so do check out Nicola’s JustGiving page here.
If you have any ideas to help raise money for Kiln yourself, then do get in touch with our Fundraising Team at They’d love to hear from you and would be more than happy to support your efforts!
There are still a few prints available of the beautiful photo of our empty auditorium featuring our Executive Director, Daisy. Joanna Vestey’s Custodians for Covid initiative is a collection of 20 photographs, each featuring an affected London theatre, portraying the custodian who is charged with its care during closure. Check out the Kiln photo here).
Prints are £200 each and of that £155 will come directly to us at Kiln.
We’ll be in touch again soon.
We hope you are well and staying safe,
Kiln Theatre

25 July 2020
We hope that you are keeping healthy and staying safe.
Community has been at the heart of our building throughout its 90-year history.
It started with the Ancient Order of Foresters, who built our home on Kilburn High Road in 1929 as place for communities to meet and be entertained. Our building was an air raid shelter and food distribution point during the Second World War and, since the 1980s, has been a powerhouse of political theatre as well as a place for young people’s voices to be heard.
Our 2019 80-strong community play, THE SEVEN AGES OF PATIENCE by Chinonyerem Odimba, was a love letter to the many communities and events that shaped our borough across the 20th century.
We can’t return as a producing theatre yet, but we want to be open as a civic space again as soon as it is safe and financially viable to do so.
Today our beloved Brent is suffering. The borough has the highest mortality rate from COVID-19 in the UK. This stark reality has made us even more determined to reopen and help people come together.
We are currently applying for funding for community projects that will support different generations from our local area, with plans to be announced soon. And we will spend the rest of the summer working to make our building safe to welcome the public back this autumn.
Will you help us with a donation this summer as we prepare to reopen our doors to our local community?
We look forward to keeping you updated on our news. And thank you to everyone who has sent messages of support – we love hearing from you.
With best wishes,
Indhu Rubasingham (Artistic Director, Kiln Theatre)

11 July 2020
We hope that all is well with you. Since we last wrote, lockdown restrictions in the UK have started to ease and we are keeping a close eye on what this means for theatres over the coming weeks and months.
In fact, it has been a week of big announcements for us and for many other arts venues. We are relieved to have been successful in our application for emergency support from Arts Council England, which we submitted six weeks ago. This crucial grant will help to secure our financial position until the autumn. We continue to fundraise to ensure we can cover our core costs for the remainder of 2020 and we will keep you updated with news of our reopening as plans develop.
You may have also heard the UK Government announce this week the very welcome news of a £1.57 billion investment package for the UK arts and culture industry. We are looking forward to understanding the detail behind the announcement and how Kiln Theatre might be supported.
In the meantime, here is some news from us.

13 June 2020
We had plans to update you on various pieces of news from Kiln Theatre, but to do this today doesn’t feel right. Instead, we want to share the statement that we made last week:
To all the young people we are working with at the moment and to those we have not yet met…
What we are seeing happening in the USA is much nearer home than many would like to believe. What is starkly being shown is the systemic racism in our societies that has existed and caused extreme harm for centuries. Words and comfort are hard to find and offer. But it is our responsibility to take this moment to galvanise, to push forward and make this world better for you to take over, to stand up for you and to stand with you.
What we can do at Kiln Theatre is to commit even more fervently to our values and mission; to tell the stories of the many diverse communities that we live amongst here in Brent, to listen to you, to provide as many opportunities as we can for you to speak and to make a theatre for all, where everyone is entitled.
Indhu (Artistic Director), Daisy (Executive Director) and the Kiln Theatre Team

16 May 2020
How are you? We are living in confusing times and I hope at the very least that this message finds you safe and healthy.
I hoped that by now we would be announcing the reopening date of our theatre. Instead, we all find ourselves watching, waiting and hoping for “normal” life to resume, but not knowing exactly when or how that will be.
We are all learning to live with uncertainty. At Kiln Theatre, we are trying to control the elements that we can. We are still making full use of the Government’s Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, furloughing the majority of our colleagues, and reducing costs wherever possible.
With our building closed for the immediate future and no sign of theatre productions just yet, we are thinking about the role that we can still play as a civic space within our local communities. We are researching, listening and discussing and will have more news to share soon.
In the meantime, I’m very pleased to report that our work with young people from across North-West London continues. This month our brilliant Creative Engagement practitioners moved all their workshops online. Our projects will bring continuity and a safe space for self-expression for young people aged between 8-25 years old, who may be feeling isolated, concerned or simply missing vital social contact. Our work with The Agency across Brent also continues, click here to find out more about this exciting social change project.
Even though we’re in tough times, I’m convinced that all the planning and soul-searching will make us stronger and better. I believe our theatre will reopen with renewed purpose, determined to be an essential part of society’s recovery.
This pandemic not only has an immediate physical health impact but also longer-term mental health implications too. We will need stories, arts and community more than ever to help us make sense of what has happened.
We’ll write again soon. Until then, please stay safe.

18 April 2020
Our doors may be closed, but our minds and hearts certainly aren’t!
We are busy creating new digital content, setting up online workshops and engaging with our community young and old. We plan to send regular e-updates to keep you updated on our news and to tell you more about how you can get involved.
We hope that you will enjoy these updates from a “Virtual Kiln” until we can all meet in person again.
We launched a fundraising appeal three weeks ago, asking our theatre-goers to make a donation as we navigate these uncertain waters. This support ensures we can cover essential costs – such as staff salaries, utility bills and security – whilst our building is closed.
Generous theatre-goers have since given over £25,000 to Kiln Theatre and we’ve been humbled by this generosity during a time of need for so many.
Instead of claiming a refund, hundreds more people have donated the price of their tickets for Pass Over and A Museum of Baghdad, shows we were so sad to have to cancel. If you are one of these people: thank you.
We can’t wait to welcome you back through our Kilburn High Road doors. Until then, stay safe and well.

4 April 2020
First things first, I hope you and those closest to you are well and adapting to the strange reality we all find ourselves in.
I am writing to ask if you would make a donation to Kiln Theatre – and to explain why.
Our theatre – along with hundreds of others – has had to close to the public. While necessary in this crisis, it has been traumatic: theatres are places for communities of all backgrounds and ages to come together and for experiences to be shared. Having to enforce exactly the opposite during this global pandemic has been disorientating and we are so sad that our Kilburn High Road doors cannot remain open to welcome both our local community and visitors from further afield during this troubling time.
In a few days time, Arts Council England will tell us more about their commitment to support the creative industries through this crisis. We are also having conversations with other grant-giving organisations about emergency funding they might be able to give us – but nothing is certain at this stage.
This brings me to right now. I am appealing to you to help us today.
Our costs are immediate – and they are scary. We have spent the days since closing our doors painstakingly reviewing all our outgoings and reducing them wherever possible. We have used the lifeline of the Government’s Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme to furlough a significant portion of our staff from this week. This includes members of our full-time team as well as the casual staff who do such an amazing job welcoming everyone to our beautiful building.
Despite this we have continuing overheads that incur daily expenditure – with no corresponding income from ticket sales. And this is why we are asking for your help.
Your donation will support us as we work to ensure the future of our theatre.
We cannot provide a front-line response to COVID-19, but when the crisis has passed, we – and all theatres – will have a vital role to play.
Will you help the Kiln Team get through this crisis?

17 March 2020
In its 40 years of existence, our theatre has survived many difficult times including recessions, riots, funding cuts, and fire. We are still standing today because of the tenacity, determination and generosity of our audiences, community and supporters. Today, we have another challenge on our hands, one which not only jeopardises the future of our building, but one that could affect our beloved industry for generations to come.
“No one can possibly know what is about to happen: it is happening, each time, for the first time, for the only time.” James Baldwin
We are all aware that we are in uncharted waters. Closing our theatre temporarily has been an incredibly sad decision and we are now working through all that this entails.
We are deeply proud of Pass Over, and all the wonderful people who contributed to its excellence. We are gutted that audiences are not going to have the chance to see Antoinette Nwandu’s urgent play, which speaks to a need to not look away and instead to recognise our shared humanity, something that sits right at the heart of Kiln Theatre’s mission.
In the weeks and months ahead, our team will think as creatively as possible about what we can do to continue our Creative Engagement work, and to support our local communities as well as the wider theatre industry. We will update you on our plans as soon as we are able.
We appreciate that Covid-19 (coronavirus) is having an unfolding impact on many people’s health, wellbeing and livelihoods. And that everyone is facing different circumstances. That said, if you are able to support us in this unprecedented situation, any donation, of whatever size, will be a huge help. You could also consider setting up a monthly donation to us. This form of regular support enables us to plan ahead – which, in these uncertain times, is a rare and precious thing. If you are able to help us financially, please scroll to the bottom of this page.
We would also like to thank you for your emails and messages, which are deeply appreciated by all of us here.
We are looking forward to welcoming you back to our theatre as soon as possible.
Thank you so much – from the bottom of our hearts – for your solidarity and support.
Your support enables us to make theatre for everyone. Make a difference today by setting up a recurring donation or making a single gift. All donations, whatever their size, are greatly valued.
Select a gift type
Select an area of support
Select an amount
A Kitab
Abaigh Wheatley
Achilleas Theodoulou
Adewunmi Adesida
Adil Essajee
Aidan McQuade
Ainslie Johnston
Alan and Bird Hovell
Alan Sandall
Aled Hanson
Aleksandra Góral
Alex Datnow
Alex Kaiserman
Alexandra Dobbs
Alexandra Lucas
Alice Clifford
Alice Herz
Alison Corob
Alison Roe
Alistair Payne-James
Allisen Patel
Ally Temple
Alys Hayes
Alyson Burberry
Alyson Mitchell
Amanda Craig
Amanda Peet
Amrita Jhaveri
Amy Selfe
Ana De Carvalho
Ana Ramagge
Anastasia Vrettakou
Andrea Hodgson
Andrea Morrison
Andrea Schatz
Andrea Toth
Andree Molyneux
Andrew Hunt
Andrew Wingate
Andy Harris
Angela Osei
Ann Lewis
Ann Pierce Jones
Anna Armstrong
Anna Bliss Scully
Anna Lewis
Anna Vaughan
Anna Zerkidou
Annalisa Henderson
Anne Amos
Anne Fisk
Anne Knox
Anne Rasper
Anne Ruff
Anneke and Fred Mendelsohn
Annette Bradshaw
Anthony and Min May
Anthony Cary
Anthony Chantry
Anthony Foster
Anthony Harbour
Antoine Vaillant
Atakan Ozturk
Atalanta Goulandris and Stephane Gripari
Audra Pantelidis
Backstage Trust
Barbara Doyle
Barbara Harrison
Barbara Stewart
Barrie Tankel
Barry David Stuart Lock
Barry Greengrass
Barry Moore
Baz Bamigboye
BBC Children in Need
Bela Kapur
Belinda Ann Perry
Belinda Wakefield
Bella Martin
Ben Hytner
Ben Siddall
Benjamin Hinson
Bernadine Pritchett
Bernice Andrew
Bertha Foundation
Beryl Owen
Betise Head
Bev Gadsden was
Bianca Janssen Groesbeek
Brenda Lewis
Brenda Sherlock
Brenda Wayne
Brian Coyle
Brian Farley
Brian Gibb
Brian Marquard
Bridget Kerr
Bridget Somekh
Brigitte Uhrmann
C P J Caygill
C Weiner
Camilla Imperiali
Camino Eguren
Carmela Gaggiano
Carol and Gary Fethke
Carol Matthews
Carole Hughes
Carole McFadden
Caroline English
Caroline Mallan
Caroline Shea
Caroline Woollard
Caroline Yu
Caron Wint
Cate Kotowska
Catharine Browne
Catherine and Richard Griffin
Catherine Pettem
Catherine Quirk
Catherine Walker
Cathrine Gillard
Cathy Moore
Ceryse Fear
Chantal Condron
Charlotte Clark
Charlotte Greenwood
Charlotte Woodford
Chloe Watson
Chris Owen
Christine Scholes
Christine Sharp
Christopher Bulford
Christopher Kitching
Ciara Lawlor
Cinzia Hardy
Claire Brisby
Claire Devoy
Claire Godwin
Claire Lloyd
Claire Seaward
Clare Checksfield
Clare Doust
Claude Chene
Claudia Moss
Colin Pollard
Conor Gunn
Craig Barnes
Custodians for Covid
Cynthia Zimmerman
Dalia Rassam
Dan Waugh
Daniel Cooper
Daniel McIntosh
Darryl Foster
David Ackland
David and Iona Heath
David Antony Emmet
David Constable
David Dally
David Futerman
David Harding
David Hare
David Hayward
David Highton
David King
David Leipziger
David Looney
David Penrose
Dawn Austwick
Dawn Fearon
Debbie Elliott
Deborah Robins
Decordova Smith
Deirdre Lambert
Denise Nelson
Denise Searle
Dennis Mihill
Devon Gordon
Diana Bass
Diana Laurillard
Diane Elliott
Diane Smith
Dinah Stabb
Dionissis Syriopoulos
Donald Dyer
Donald Grubin
Donna Caldwell
Dr Michael Robins
Dylan Watts
Dynzell Muguti
Eileen Boden
Eileen Menzies
Eileen Samuroff
Eileen Ward
Elaine Morris
Eleanor van der Sluijs
Elinor Furman
Elisabeth Trivier
Elizabeth Bartlem
Elizabeth Fairbrother
Elizabeth Haggard
Elizabeth Holland
Elizabeth Hubbard
And all those who prefer to remain anonymous.
Elizabeth Johnson
Elizabeth Lindley
Elizabeth Pews
Elizabeth Plews
Elizabeth Poon
Elizabeth Purves
Elizabeth Solowo-Coker
Elizabeth Watts
Ella Rechter
Ellie Williams
Elliot Thompson
Elspeth Ferguson
Emanuel Adam
Emily Fletcher
Emily Halstead
Emily Morris
Emma Bowkett
Emma Cornford
Emma Molyneaux
Ernest Newhouse
Esmée Fairbairn Foundation
Ewan Morgan
Fatema Zehra
Florian Stadtler
Fran Plagge
Frances Wood
Francesca Moody
Francesca Tosadori
Francis Jue
Francis Plowden
Francisco Furtado
François von Hurter
Frank Brett
Franziska Liebig
Fred Dick
Fred Wilson
Fredo Donnelly
Freya Pryde
G Musgrave
Gabriela Balawejder
Gabrielle Silvestre
Gareth James
Gautam Dalal
Gavin Kewley
Gayle Richardson
Geoffrey Williams
George Gallaccio
George Tomlinson
Georgia Gatti
Georgie Pepper
Gerald Burnett
Geraldine Casey
Geraldine Smyth
Gerard Glynn
Gerry Weston
Gilbert O’Brien
Gill Lipworth
Gilla Harris
Gillian Asafu-Adjaye
Gillian Hepburn
Gillian Hopper
Gillian Robertson
Gillian Thompson
Gillian Thorpe
Giselle Glasman
Glenys Williams
Gordon Rickard
Greg Crawford
Greg Parston
Gwenhwyfar Lucy O’Brien
Hannah Colton
Hannah Hafezi
Hannah Hashem
Harald Lipman
Harry and Karen Napier
Harry Hickmore
Hayley Clark
Hazel Charik
Hazel Kerr
Hazel Rutledge
Heather Mease
Heidi Potter
Helen Boaden
Helen Bygrave
Helen Creedon
Helen Nicholls
Helen Payne
Helen Stansfield
Henry Chu and James Baer
Hester Wolton
Hilary Speller
Hinne Temminck Tuinstra
Huey-Shiuan Lin
Humphrey Barclay
Ian Burns
Ian House
Ian King
Ian Plenderleith
Ilana Bakal
Imogen Barker
Imogen Sutherland
Imy Wyatt Corner
Ingrid Wallenborg
Irene Leigh
Irit Katriel
Isabel Churcher
J Ward
Jack Wareing
Jackie Moss
Jackie Rothenberg
Jacky Schloss
Jacqueline Bean
Jacqueline Conway
Jacqueline Nelson
Jade Aebi
James Coleman
Jan Buggy
Jan Topham
Jane Blackledge
Jane Cloke
Jane Leggett
Janet Dignan
Janet Edwards
Janet Forfar
Janet Keen
Janet Morris
Janet Phillips
Janet Taylor
Janina Enrile
Jasper Jolly
Jayne Grant
Jayne Talbot
Jean Hewitson
Jean Waite
Jeffrey Starks
Jenefer Sargent
Jennie Allen
Jennie Rosenthal
Jennifer Pope
Jennifer Sims
Jenny Eastop
Jenny Gee
Jenny See
Jeremy Lewison and Caroline Schuck
Jesse Ash
Jessica Bedrossian
Jiawei Wu
Jill Cropper
Jill Evans
Jill Russell
Jim Carter and Imelda Staunton
JM Kirker
Jo Harper
Joan Gandy
Joan Webb
Joanna Yu
Jody Butterworth
John Abbott
John and Susan Coldstream
John Carroll
John Freeman
John Holyfield
John Ingledew
John Kennedy
John Mooney
John O’Driscoll
John Philip Hatfield
John Tosh
John Tracey
Jonathan Billing
Jonathan Bushell
Jonathan Clark
Jonathan Gaunt
Jonathan Gross
Jonathan Hall
Jonathan Levy and Gabrielle Rifkind
Jonathan Shaw
Jonathan Smith
Joseph Belsham-Harris
Josephine Floyd
Josephine Sweeney
Josie Morris
Joyce Hytner
Jude Goffe
Judith Pengelly
Judith West
Judy Consden
Judy East
Judy Hebert
Judy Moss
Judy Williams
Jules and Cheryl Burns
Julia Ellis
Julia Ryan
Justin Webb
K Godwin
Kamini Corriette
Karen Chinn
Karen Colohan
Karen Mcaleer
Karen Rydings
Karen Walkden
Karl Smith
Kat Radlett
Kate Arnold
Kate Budgett
Kate Devey
Kate Lewis
Kate Myers
Kate Prideaux
Kate Roskell
Katherine Armitage
Katherine Corner
Katherine McKenna
Kathryn Ellis
Kathryn Myhill
Kathryn Serkis
Kathy Clauss
Kathy Curran
Katie Blainey
Katie Friedman
Keith MacDonald
Keith Panter
Kim McGrath
Kim Oliver
Kimberley Goffe
Kiran Kotecha
Kirsty McMunn
Konrad Zielinski
Kristian Ademola
Kristian Marr
Kristina Roberts
Laika Lebreton
Laith Zayadine
Lance Miles
Laura Bailey
Laure Duvoisin
Laurel Loehlin
Laurence Winston
Laurie Hanna
Lee Varian
Lia Zografou
Linda Almond
Lindsay Taylor
Lisa Donlan
Lisa McMullin
Liz and Mark Astaire
Liz Barton
Liz Bissett
Liz Gerschel
Liz Kwast
Liz Mace
Liz Rubenstein
Lizzie Chapman
Lorraine Wileman
Louis Byrne
Louise Barlow
Louise Hawley
Louise Loughlin
Louise Murray
Lucy Thomas
Luka Delic
Lydia Estridge
Lynda Munt
Lynda Stephens
M Felton
Maddie Noble
Maggie Bruder
Maggie Silver
Maha Komber
Maits Pardo
Margaret Banarsee
Margaret Lally
Margaret Rees
Margaret Rignell
Margaret Rundall
Margery Hawkins
Marie-Christine Morris
Marion Machin
Marsha Hill
Marta Villar Lopez
Martha Pearson
Marthe de Haan
Martin Carney
Martin Lawley
Mary and Jim Callaghan
Mary Anne Rossiter
Mary Atkinson
Mary Collins
Mary Elizabeth Bahl
Mary Olubodun
Mary Spredbury
Mary T Kuper
Matt McAllester
Matt Whitticase
Matthew Bannister
Matthew Greenburgh
Matthew McDougall
Matthew White
Maureen Amar
Maureen Haltrecht
Maureen Nathan
Maya Donelan
Megan Mullins
Mel Evans
Mel Powell
Melanie Hewitt
Melissa Friedberg
Melvyna Mumunie
Meredith Benson
Michael Bowron
Michael Flower
Michael Grabowski
Michael Kinghan
Michael Martin
Michael McGrory
Michael Read
Michael Robins
Michael Runnalls
Michael Thomas
Michael Traynor
Michael Williamson
Mike Bartlett and Clare Lizzimore
Mike Gibbs
Miles Clapham
Miles Essex
Miranda Davies
Mishal Bandukda
Monica Lucas
Monika Metykova
Moyra McGarth Brown
Mr Richard Griffin
N Home
Nancy Braithwaite
Nancy Platt
Narinder Thiara
Nas Badshah
Nataly Rios
Neil Samuel
Nellie Anderson
Neville Archer
Neville Bass
Neville Rowden
Nic Wass
Nicholas and Mary Sayers
Nick Bryant
Nick Higham
Nicky Mann
Nicola Horton and Tiffany Evans
Nicola Kerr
Nicola McCartney
Nicola Williams
Nicolas Artola Gonzalez
Nieves La Casta
Nikki Haydon
Nina Kaye and Timothy Nathan
Nina Prescod
Nina Primeraki
Noël Coward Foundation
Noelle Britton
Nora Franglen
Noreen Nolan
Norman Craig
Oliver Aiken
Oliver Craig
Omar Assem El-Khairy
Ondine Upton and James and Tatyana Park
Oscar Ward
Otto Farrant
P Haffner
P Thomson
Paddy MccGwire
Pamela Frazer
Pamela J Taylor
Pamela McCallum
Pamela Stuart
Partha Bose
Pat O’mahoney
Patricia Taylor
Patrick Howard
Paul Ayling
Paul Bogan
Paul Caussat
Paul Grandidge
Paul Howie
Paul Regan
Paul Sommerfeld
Paul Vaight
Paul Varcoe
Paula Kahn
Penelope Humphris
Penny Badowska
Penny Hitchings-Jones
Penny Prior
Peter Beverley
Peter Clift
Peter Gilmore
Peter Leonard Elborn
Peter Moore
Peter Roe
Peter Wright
Petra Bidlasova
Petra Kugler
Phil Dunster
Philip Bartle
Philip Best
Philip Cameron
Philip Hedley
Philip Kinder
Philip Levy
Phillipa Rubins
Phoebe Barran
Phoebe Fortescue
Phoebe Hale
Pina Lonsdale
Polly Beauwin
Pontus Noren
Puneet Rai
R Gunesekera
R Jorre
R Sarkar
Rachel Aird
Rachel Swain
Radia Bouziani
Rae J Richardson
Rafaella Rossato
Raheel Razvi
Ralph Woolf
Ralph Yarrow
Raphael Von Blumenthal
Rasha Elmasry
Rebeca Perez
Rebecca Arnott
Rebecca Blond
Rebecca Johnsey
Rebecca Walton
Rebecca Wynberg
Rejane Collard Walker
Rev Dennis Mihill
Revd Elizabeth Russell
Rhodie Thomas
Richard Denniston
Richard Furniss
Richard Mann
Richard Meares
Richard Newbery
Richard Porter
Richard Ramsbotham
Richard Slater
Robert Brown
Robert Dobbie
Robert Peel
Robert Rees
Robin Walker
Robyn Keynes
Roger Booker
Roger Tulley
Ron and Teresa Pringle
Rosalind Sweeting
Rosalyn Lewis
Rosemary Bates
Rosemary Chapman
Rosemary Harvey
Rosie Bower
Ruth Glick and Jonathan Green
Ruth Gunstone
Ruth Harrison
Ruth M Pope
Ruth McCarthy-Clegg
Ruth Parry
Ruth Sweeney
Sabine Koch
Sally Dutton
Sally Garling
Sally Pearson
Sally Rose
Salman Siddiqui
Sam Turnbull
Sandar and Steve Warshal
Sandra Davison
Sandy McKay
Sanjiv Kumar
Sara Crouch
Sarah and Joseph Zarfaty
Sarah Cole
Sarah Dawood
Sarah Fordham
Sarah Forrester
Sarah Palmer
Sarah Powell
Sarita Lydia Mamseri
Seb Benson
Serena Basra
Serena Manteghi
Shane Beadle
Shanthi Balakrishnan
Sharon Torpey
Sharon Walls
Sheila Runghasawmi
Sherry Babbitt
Shirley Yiptong
Shvorne Marks
Siddharth Mehta
Sika Carey
Silvia Ballantyne
Simon Davies
Simon Dingemans
Simon Glass
Sinead McKenna
Sir Christopher Hogg
Sir John Aird
Siren Turkes
SJ Almand
Sonia Watson
Sonja Herz
Sophie Neal
Stacey Thomson
Stefania Catani
Stephanie Sadler
Stephen Allcock and Hitesh Batavia
Stephen Blackman
Stephen Duckworth
Stephen Jasper
Stephen Morris
Steve Boettcher
Steve Dyson
Steve Goldring
Steve Macsweeney
Steve Mellor
Steven Baker
Sue Cohen
Sue Cullum
Sue Fletcher
Sue Taylor
Sue Wareham
Sue White
Susan Bowman
Susan Bruegger
Susan Bush
Susan Cookson
Susan J La Brooy
Susan Johnson
Susan Shaughnessy
Susan Stables
Susan Wheatley
Susan Yeomans
Suzanne Curd
Suzanne Horsley
Suzanne Keys
Suzanne Lehrer
Swetha Charles
Sylvia Allen
Tabby Reynolds
Tala Azzawi-White
Talia Rodgers
Tash Marks
Tattie Chater Davies
Teresa Bastow
Tessa Rice
Tessa Stanley-Price
Thanos Gkofas
The Basden Family
Theodora O’Brien
Theodore Bachrach
Thomas Holloway
Tibor Gold
Tim Emm
Tim Pain
Timothy Andrew
Timothy Goudie
Tom Dunsmore
Tom Happold
Tom Hunter
Tom Proffitt
Tom Wadsworth
Tracey Shackle
Trevor Thomas
Trevor Wild
Tricia Wickett
Tristan Chapel
Tsvetelina Kostova
V Lam
V Sussman
Valerie Hamill
Venetia Rainey
Vera Farrants
Vera Nunes
Vicki Joyce
Vicky Thorpe
Victoria Rodrigues O’Donnell
Vincent Tierney
Vivian Wright
Vivienne D’Silva
Wellington Management UK Foundation
Wendy Bisiker
William Hesselmann
Yahya El-Droubie
Yok Chang
Yvonne Grant
Yvonne Minns
Zach Hodges
Zoe Dibb
Zoe Green
Zoe Pye
We'd also like to thank all those who continue to support us with a recurring donation
Alan and Virginia Lynch
Alan Maclean and Jo Corkish
Alice Clifford
Alice Morgan
Alice Rowan
Andree Molyneux
Anneke and Fred Mendelsohn
Anthony and Min May
Antony Weatherhead
Barrie Tankel
Barry Serjent
Beth Silver
Brenda Beary
Catherine Walker
Christine Jude
Christopher Bevan
Clare Doust
Colin Adams and Mary T. Farrell
Colin Pollard
Colin Steward
Conor Gunn
David and Elizabeth Bromage
David and Iona Heath
David King
David Lanch
Debbie Elliott
Demola Soremekun
Diana Laurillard
Dipo Baruwa-Etti
Dominic Cooke CBE
Donald Jones
Farah Elahi
Francisco Furtado
Fred Dick
Freya Stanley-Price
Gemma Jackson
George Meyer
George Tomlinson
Grant and Julie Winstock
Henry Chu and James Baer
I G and B Rappaport
Jennifer Pope
Jim Thomas
Katherine Ronayne
Katie Bradford
Lady Alison Irvine
Laure Duvoisin
Lesley Platz
Liz Kwast
Liz Walker
Lyn Meadows
Maggie Lindford
Marion Machin
Martin Enthoven
Martin Hall and Anne Heath
Mary and Jim Callaghan
Maureen Preston
Michael and Jenny Nathan
Miranda Persaud
Moyra McGarth Brown
Norman Bell
Penny Badowska
Peter Lawrence
Philip Best
Philip Hooker
Rama Thapar
Richard Johnson
Richard Naylor
Richard Rawlinson
Robert Coniglio
Ros Lewis
Sandar and Steve Warshal
Selena Arbe-Barnes
Simon Judge
Simon Taylor
Sinead McKenna
Sioban Whitney Low
Sita McIntosh
Susan Bush
Susan Yeomans
Swetha Charles
Tatiana Chater Davies
Tessa Stanley-Price
Tibor Gold
Tom Happold
Tom Heath
Tom Proffitt