Thank You

A huge thank you to all our supporters

We depend on donations of all sizes to ensure we can fulfil our mission to make theatre for everyone. Please visit our Give page to support us and to find out about the Individuals, Trusts & Foundations, and Companies that support us. You can also read about the impact of your support here.

We would not be able to continue our work without the support of the following:


Arts Council England
The National Lottery Heritage Fund
Brent Council Warm Spaces


The Agency (London) LTD
Bloomberg Philanthropies
Nick Hern Books


Nick and Aleksandra Barnes
The Basden Family
Primrose and David Bell
Torrence Boone
Jules and Cheryl Burns
Mary and Jim Callaghan
Laure Zanchi Duvoisin
Dasha Epstein
Carol and Gary Fethke
Matthew Greenburgh and Helen Payne
Ros and Alan Haigh
Mary Clancy Hatch
Linda Keenan
Jonathan Levy and Gabrielle Rifkind
Brian and Clare Linden
Frances Magee
Dame Susie Sainsbury
Jon and NoraLee Sedmak
Dr Miriam Stoppard
Jan and Michael Topham


Nazima Kadir and Karl Gorz
Frances Lynn
Ann and Peter Sprinz
Sarah and Joseph Zarfaty


Henry Chu and James Baer
Nicola Horton and Tiffany Evans
Sue Fletcher
Sita McIntosh
Alison McLean and Michael Farthing


Pippa Adamson
Selena Arbe-Barnes
Mishal Bandukda
Dipo Baruwa-Etti
Diana Bass
Philip Best
Helen Boaden
Katie Bradford
Philippe Carden
John and Susan Coldstream
Dominic Cooke CBE
Fred Dick
Clare Doust
David Dutton and Mave Turner
Debbie Elliott
Martin Enthoven
Mary Farrell and Colin Adams
Francisco Furtado
Ruth Glick and Jonathan Green
Conor Gunn
David Harding
David Harrison
Tom Happold
Philip Hooker
Gemma Jackson
Richard Johnson
Donald Jones
Christine Jude
Simon Judge
Nina Kaye and Timothy Nathan
David King
Liz Kwast
David Lanch
Diana Laurillard
Peter Lawrence
Ros Lewis
Marion Machin
Liz McCaffry Payne
Anthony and Min May
Sita McIntosh
Lyn Meadows
Anneke and Fred Mendelsohn
George Meyer
Alice Morgan
Terry Munyard
Richard Naylor
Vera Nunes
Alison Oliphant
Eugene O’Malley
Lesley Platz
Maureen Preston
Sandra Reid
Wendy Roach
Barry Serjent
Beth Silver
Anthony and Beverley Silverstone
Demola Soremekun
Tessa Stanley-Price
Freya Stanley-Price
Colin Steward
Ella Taibel
Barrie Tankel
Simon Taylor
Rama Thapar
Emma Thompson and Greg Wise
Shrina Tulsiani
Catherine Walker
Liz Walker
Gordon Walsh
Sandar and Steve Warshal
Nicholas Watkinson
Antony Weatherhead
Sioban Whitney Low
Bogdana Zoica


Vivienne Aldington
Gillian Hooper
In Memory of Linda McKeen
Harry Rose


29th May 1961 Charitable Trust
The Atkin Foundation
The Austin and Hope Pilkington Trust
Backstage Trust
Bertha Foundation
Boris Karloff Charitable Foundation
Chapman Charitable Trust
Christina Smith Foundation
City Bridge Foundation – London’s biggest independent charity funder
Cockayne Grants for the Arts, a donor advised fund held at the London Community Foundation
The John S Cohen Foundation
The D’Oyly Carte Charitable Trust
Esmée Fairbairn Foundation
The Foyle Foundation
Garfield Weston Foundation
The Garrick Charitable Trust
The Hobson Charity
Jack Petchey Foundation
John Lyon’s Charity
John Thaw Foundation
The Mackintosh Foundation
Marie-Louise von Motesiczky Charitable Trust
The Noël Coward Foundation
Pears Foundation
Richard Radcliffe Trust
The Roddick Foundation
Royal Victoria Hall Foundation
Stanley Thomas Johnson Foundation
Theatre Artists Fund Pilot Programme
Three Monkies Trust
The Vanderbilt Family Foundation
The Vandervell Foundation